picture of engineering building

Teaching Assistant

Company: Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering Department @ Cal Poly

Time: Jan 2019 - June 2019

Job Title: Teaching Assistant

Professors: Rob Carter and Eric Paton

Description: I had the opportunity to TA for an industrial and manufacturing engineering lab. The main goal of the class was to build a LED light system that was synchronized to music. Therefore, it would display different patterns based on sound frequency. Ex: The lights produced from Fergalicious by Fergie would look different than Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata


  • Designed an electrical schematic and developed a printed circuit board (PCB) for students to mimic
  • Gave guided instructions on how to use machines that assisted in the manufacturing of a two-piece chassis
  • Troubleshot faulty equipment and electrical components such as capacitors, resistors, LEDs, potentiometers, and voltage regulators

Outcome & Skills Learned:

  • Got experience leading a classroom of students and giving daily lesson plans when the professor was busy
  • Learned how to cater to different learning styles by giving instructions that resonated with visual, auditory and kinesthetic learners